At Arundel Veterinary Surgery, we have a range of high quality diagnostic equipment, including a digital x-ray machine, an ultrasound scanner, in house laboratory equipment and dental radiography. All of these help us to enable the fastest, most accurate diagnosis possible. We also have a strong relationship with veterinary specialists if we feel this is the most beneficial way to diagnose your pet.

Digital radiology has many benefits for your pet, you, our staff and the environment, and because digital x-ray images can be saved on a computer, they can be transmitted quickly by email to a specialist if a referral is necessary.
Occasionally a pet will require sedation or even anesthesia to have radiographs taken. This is because they have to stay completely still for diagnostic quality radiographs, but it also allows for a stress free examination when multiple images are needed. X-ray procedures require a day stay, which means you drop your pet off in the morning and one of our vets will discharge your pet in the afternoon. Once our veterinarians have the images they can then decide on the course of treatment or diagnosis for your pet. All digital imaging is saved onto your pet’s file on the computer so the vet can show you the radiographs on discharge. Seeing the images will make it easier for you to visualize and understand your pet’s condition.
In-House Laboratory

At Arundel Vet Surgery we have top of the range in-house laboratory machines that enable us to get quick results for our patients. A thorough physical examination does not show us how organs are functioning. Blood samples are a quick and reliable way to detect any abnormalities with the internal organs such as kidney, liver or thyroid.
If abnormalities are shown on the in-house tests and more in-depth laboratory tests are needed we use an external laboratory called IDEXX laboratories who collect samples from our clinic twice daily.
We have an in-house ultrasound scanner and have a ultrasound specialist who can scan on site by appointment. By using an ultrasound we can image parts of the body such as the heart and the abdomen, enabling us to measure and exam these areas in a non-invasive manner. Most of the time sedation is enough to keep your pets relaxed during the scan, but in some cases anaesthesia may be required. An ultrasound requires your pet’s fur to be clipped in order for us to apply the gel, which enable us to get clear images.