Flea control is very important for small puppies. A large flea burden can cause anaemia and potential skin concerns. We recommend all pets are on year-round flea control. In Brisbane’s warm humid climate it can be very difficult to eradicate an established flea burden in your house and yard – it is much better to keep them away in the first place. Ticks can be a life-threatening problem all year round but particularly in the warmer months and especially after rain. If you are in a known paralysis tick area or your dog is likely to come into contact with ticks (check with the clinic) use a suitable prevention program.
SYMPTOMS of tick paralysis include:
Wobbly back legs
Change in voice
Total collapse
Seek veterinary attention immediately if your dog is showing any of these signs!
Nexgard – small tasty chews given monthly.
Bravecto – option of a 3-monthly chew or a 6-monthly pipette applied to the back of the neck
Please note, all animals in the household must be treated for control to be
effective! (ALL dogs & ALL cats)
NB: No product is 100% effective. Nothing beats checking your dog over by hand each day – remove any ticks straight away and monitor your dog closely for signs of tick envenomation.
Nexgard Spectra is an all in one product, covering your pet from fleas, ticks, intestinal worms and heartworm. This chew must be given monthly, especially for the continued protection from heartworm
Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes, so prevention is necessary even if your dog doesn’t mix with other dogs. We recommend Proheart SR12 – an annual
heartworm preventative injection given yearly with vaccination. Puppies should
have their first injection at 12 weeks of age followed by a booster at 6 months
(at the time of desexing) and then annually with vaccination for life.
There are also monthly alternatives available for prevention if you feel this might be more suited to your lifestyle, please ask our nurses for available products.
Puppies are small and can be significantly affected by even a few worms. These worms can also spread to people, especially children so it is very important to prevent infestation. There are four types of worms that we look to protect your puppy from. Roundworm, Hookworm, Tapeworm (including hydatids) and Whipworm.
How often you worm your dog changes with age.
Worm every fortnight from 2 to 12 weeks of age, then monthly up to 6 months of age, then every three months for life. We recommend Drontal or Milpro as an all-worming option. Drontal gives you the option of a tasty chew or a tablet, while Milpro comes in a tablet form with a tasty liver coating for high palatability.